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Navigating the future: autonomous driving pleasure

In the ever-evolving world of transportation tech, let's cast our gaze beyond the here and now. As developments in self-driving cars steadily move forward, you can't help but think: will they outshine the sheer joy of driving ourselves? As an electric performance brand that makes driver's cars, what does the advent of autonomous technology mean for us?

Front facing Polestar 4 in the dark.

The future of transportation has been depicted in a variety of ways – from the autonomous vehicles in "Minority Report" to the time-traveling DeLorean in "Back to the Future" (honorable mention goes to "Blade Runner"). While we haven't quite figured out how to travel through space and time using a 1981 classic car yet, autonomous driving is quickly steering away from the science fiction genre, which leads us to the burning question on everyone's minds: will autonomous driving erase the joy of driving?

Unwrapping the Joy of Driving

Driving isn't just about steering and accelerating; it's an all-encompassing adventure and the freedom to explore. It's about the thrill of taking on sharp turns, feeling your seat hug you from the g-forces with every burst of acceleration – the sensation of being in control of a powerful machine. 

But what's stopping this from coexisting with autonomous driving? All these sensations can still coincide with self-driving tech. Imagine seamlessly transitioning from a thrill-induced drive to relinquishing control to your AI co-pilot when you want to relax, work, or enjoy entertainment during your commute. 

But enough speculating. Take it from our Chief Test Engineer Joakim Rydholm, a seasoned test and chassis engineer at Polestar with over 30 years in the industry. When asked about the future of autonomous driving and the concerns of how it will affect driving pleasure, he didn't see the issue. 

"If you drive on Route 66, how nice would it be to relax and let the car drive itself? You don't test the performance of the car there anyway – it's about transportation at that point. It's a complement to regular driving."

Animation of Polestar 3 ultrasonic sensors from above.
Close-up of Polestar 3 SmartZone
It's even more important to make cars with autonomous capabilities fun and enjoyable to drive because when you are not utilizing self-driving capabilities, it's going to be clear if said car is a joy to drive or not.
Joakim Rydholm

Self-driving cars aren't here to steal our thunder; they're here to ease the mundane tasks a very few select people thoroughly enjoy. They'll handle the navigation of traffic and finding parking spots, giving us more time to focus on the finer aspects of the ride.

The idea that self-driving cars will overshadow the joy of driving might be overblown. The joy of driving, a mix of emotions and sensory kicks, will always have a place in our hearts. Self-driving tech isn't here to squash that fun, but rather to offer a more versatile and flexible driving experience.

The future isn't about giving up the wheel – it's about expanding the horizons of what driving can be and doing something better with your time when driving is not much fun.

Imagine your daily commute turning into a productive work session, or just snoozing your way into the office. It's a game-changer that doesn't replace driving joy but enhances it. So when you're itching to take the wheel for the thrill of driving, it's right there, no strings attached. And that's when you notice the true performance and joy of the car.

So, whether you're in the mood for a hands-free cruise, some good old-fashioned driving, or a mix of both, the future of mobility promises a ride that's more thrilling, convenient, and varied than ever before. It's a highway of endless possibilities, and we're all in. 


Kylesku Bridge, Scotland.

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