
Silhouette of lady standing in front of colourful digital art exhibition

How data is disrupting the art world - and can your car play a part?

Big Data is the buzziest of words. For some, it’s the dawn of a new era, ushing in new technologies and possibilities. For others, it’s about wealth and power – a ‘new oil’ to be harvested and sold. But is there more to Big Data than meets the eye? A select group of people are beginning to uncover a certain beauty and creativity hidden within the endless stream of ones and zeros. And guess what: your EV has a part to play, too.


A peek under the parachute: Polestar 4 Sightings, behind the scenes

Show speed. And show it in a non-traditional way.

Polestar 4: Inspired by fashion

Inspiration is essential to innovation. Imitation, on the other hand, is detrimental. For Polestar designers Maria Uggla and Komal Singh, there are no boundaries to what might spark inspiration. Looking far and wide (and, often, much closer to home), the designers have found inspiration in the fashion sphere – and in each other.