2 on tour: Seattle

The North American 2 on tour kicked off in Seattle with a sense of the new frontier at a party at Fremont Foundry, with guests including Global Polestar COO Jonathan Goodman, Matt Lincecum from Fremont Brewing Company, Wired reporter Alex Davies, and documentarian Audra Gaines-Mulkern. The weekend was spent in Seattle Center, taking in the Torchlight Parade and FanFest from beneath the Space Needle.


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We saved you a seat. Take a look at the all-new 100% electric Polestar 2.


Furniture on plank pathway in forest

One company is going green with paper paste

The choices we make are increasingly being shaped by eco-consciousness. Whether it’s reusing and recycling, choosing more environmentally friendly transportation, or supporting brands that prioritise sustainable practices, our decisions can significantly impact our environmental footprint. One company is on a mission to make its interior design products the obvious decoration choice for the eco-friendly shopper. Meet Paper Paste Living.