Shifts in the Showroom

Polestar consists of people from all walks of life. We cast a wide net when recruiting people, looking for talent both inside and outside the automotive industry.

Smiling Polestar employee standing next to car with open front door.

That approach has created an environment of collaboration and cooperation, free from hierarchy. Art directors rub elbows with electric propulsion engineers. Digital designers and market strategists exchange crisp high fives. Purchasers trade inside jokes with creative directors.

Their expertise in their respective fields are what brought them to Polestar. Their enthusiasm for Polestar is what unites them. And like all enthusiasts, they like to share that enthusiasm.

People visit our headquarters here in Gothenburg every day. We've decided to set aside time to meet them. From September 9th, every Polestar HQ employee will take a turn in the showroom of our headquarters, ready to greet fellow Polestar enthusiasts and share their expertise with those who come calling.


Silhouette of lady standing in front of colourful digital art exhibition

How data is disrupting the art world - and can your car play a part?

Big Data is the buzziest of words. For some, it’s the dawn of a new era, ushing in new technologies and possibilities. For others, it’s about wealth and power – a ‘new oil’ to be harvested and sold. But is there more to Big Data than meets the eye? A select group of people are beginning to uncover a certain beauty and creativity hidden within the endless stream of ones and zeros. And guess what: your EV has a part to play, too.